Hey everyone! So I know it has been quite sometime since I last posted and I do apologize...I just started this little thing called college that seems to be consuming my life. :) Anyway, I am sure y'all have been sitting on pins and needles waiting to hear what I served those divine mashed potatoes with...well in case you didn't notice the title, which I am sure you did, I made some incredible chicken fried streak and did I mention gravy?! What?! Now some people find the idea of making this homemade intimidating but I can tell you first hand that it is not bad at all! Happy frying from the Splendid Kitchen!
3 pounds sliced cube steak
2 large eggs
3 1/2 cups milk
3 1/3 cups flour
2 teaspoons salt
3/4 teaspoons paprika
1/4 teaspoon red pepper
1 1/2 teaspoons black pepper
3 teaspoons salt
1/2 cup canola oil
Begin by mixing 3 cups flour, 2 teaspoons salt, paprika, cayenne and black pepper. Mix together and set aside.

Next beat the milk and eggs together and set aside.

Time to make the assembly line! You should have your steaks and have seasoned with salt and pepper. Also I would recommend getting some wax paper before hand and tearing out about two more than number of steaks you have. This will prevent them from sticking together. WARNING: these upcoming pictures may not be that appealing but trust me the end result is beautiful and delicious. You will be in fried food heaven.

Take the steak and dip it into the eggs, then flour mixture and repeat. At this point not only will the steak be immensely coated but your fingers will be too! :)

Get your skillet with canola oil ready...get it sizzlin, put the chicken fried steaks in and before you know it they will be perfectly fried! About 2-3 minutes on each side. When done place on a paper lined plate to absorb a bit of that grease!

Last but certainly not least the gravy...not don't be intimidated. Just start off by taking out any little fried bits from the remaining oil. If you have more than 1/4 pour some out but I think it will be fine :) Next, begin by mixing in 1/3 cup flour in, then 2 cups of milk. Allow to come to a boil. Depending on the thickness you might need to add either more milk or even flour. Season with salt and pepper and walah! Note: It is not easy to get your gravy white. It is going to be more brown because of the fried pieces that wouldn't come out but if you can do it more power to you!

Finally, time for dinner. So on the menu we have creamy mashed potatoes, chicken fried steak with gravy, corn on the cob, and rolls. Yum!!! I can taste it now!

I hope y'all enjoy this recipe. Until next time fun fried times from the Splendid Kitchen enjoy!
Printable recipe: