In case you have not noticed I like chocolate so I of course fell in love with this GREAT brownie recipe and it is super easy to make. After making the cupcakes for Traci and the team we won our next two games which of course led to "Kelsey we won so you have to bake the team another treat before our next Friday game!" Of course I don't mind at all and I assumed these would be a big hit...well let's just say they were all eaten and we won all our games...including shutting out Texas might I add :)Anyway tonight I am making Double Chocolate Gooey Butter Cake for them this Friday but that post will come later. I found this recipe from Paula Deen but I tweaked it a bit. Instead of using one brownie mix I use two. Just trust me on this one. From the Splendid Kitchen...enjoy! P.S. Keep in mind when you see the finished product it is two batches of brownies!
Prep Time: 8 min.
Cook Time: About 40 min.
2 Packages of Brownie Mix
Cooking spray
5-7 Candy bars (I used Symphony)
Start off by getting your brownie mix and the ingredients needed to make them.

For the brownies I made it called for the mix, 1/2 cup Vegetable Oil, 1/4 cup Water, and 2 eggs-I used two eggs instead of 3 for a fudge like consistency instead of a cake like

Mix it all together and it should start looking really yummy!

After greasing your 13x9 pan pour the batter like so and place the candy bars on top (I find it easier to break them apart and put them on)

Time to get your second box of brownies...work the same magic and pour on top of candy bars

Put in the oven and if I remember right I just about doubled the time that it says for one batch but keep an eye on them....when they are done the will have gotten all puffed up and delicious looking

The finished product...

Make these immediately! They are so good! I will say though that the sooner you eat them the better they are. The edges did get a bit tough so we cut them off but they were soft the next day then hard the next (I just put them in the microwave though to soften them up);however, I am thinking these will not last very long in your house! Enjoy from the Splendid Kitchen Chocoholic...
Printable Directions:
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